Solar for my business. - STANDARD Machine Tools

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Solar for my business.

Recently the grid has proven to be too unstable to sustain business so we have decided to assist where we can and help our customers move to solar power.

Let us help you move to Industrial Solar and cut your dependency on the grid by over 75%.  

Solar has traditionally been too expensive for most businesses, but we see the importance of keeping the lights on for our customers that is why we are willing to supply Solar Power systems to our customers at Cost. "If our customers thrive we thrive" and keeping them producing secures both our futures.



What we'll need to get started:

  1. Company details
  2. How many KWH do you currently use in a work day?
  3. How many KW does your business use (KW (Combined Watts of all electrical items that will run simultaneously)
  4. How many AMPS are required? (Combined current of all electrical items that run simultaneously)
  5. What type of machine you running? Computers, machine tools, welders etc.
  6. Do you run night shift? (Just checking if you need extra batteries.)

You can send us your information by Email to or Chat with us. 


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